
What seems to be far apart, it is now very near with just a click on your mouse.What is unavailable in your country, you can now purchase anything from across the continent with a credit card and a click on your mouse. Families living in fardistances now communicate conveniently within the comfort of their homes using free Instant Messaging. Students, educators, doctors,businesspeople and others now can obtain variety of information with just a push of a key-button.Great people likeTim Berners-Lee who developed the World Wide Web, various universities’ researchers made it possible the ARPNET which is the grandparent of the Internet. Founders and creators of computers’ hardware and software also made it all possible bringing the world closer apart and allowing people to conveniently access information, products and services via the internet. The technological super highway improved the life of the people around the world through shared medical, educational, and business information. People are can now easily keep in touch with families and friends wherever they maybe staying. Businesses can virtually establish online storefronts in different parts of the world without physical presence. And people can purchase products and services without stepping out of their house to do it. But without the webmasters who are responsible to create, test, and maintain Web sites, these conveniences may not be possible for us. Although my CS222 instructor selected my topic for me, but after thinking about it, I felt that this topic is very fitting as my research paper because the class I am taking, CS222-Web Site Design is a preparation of becoming a Webmaster. My topic is not just how to be a Webmaster but, how to be a GOOD Webmaster. In my research paper, I will define what is a webmaster? I will also explain how one becomes a webmaster and the responsibilities of a webmaster. Further, I will describe how Webmasters create Web sites and finally in my conclusion I will explain how to be a good webmaster.